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Self-Pay Follow-up Testing for Familial Variant

New York


  • Carrier/Variant-Specific Testing

Clinical Utility

  • Targeted testing for pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant(s) previously identified in a family at GeneDx
  • For specimens drawn in New York, carrier or targeted variant testing is an approved test if the family had previous testing at GeneDx or if the gene itself is in an approved single-gene test or multi-gene panel: NY Test List. In these situations it is not necessary to obtain individual NYSDOH permission.

Lab Method

  • Capillary Sequencing
  • Deletion/Duplication Analysis

Test Code


CPT Codes*

Varies by Gene(s)

ABN Required


Turnaround Time**

3 weeks

Preferred Specimen

2-5 mL Blood - Lavender Top Tube

Alternative Specimen

Buccal Swabs | Extracted DNA

*The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payer being billed.

**Turnaround times are estimates and begin once the sample(s) begin processing at the GeneDx lab and could be extended in situations outside GeneDx’s control.